InUX CollectivebyAnyuan WangHow to make smarter design tradeoffsEveryone talks about design principles as if we can create the best products as long as we push for the maximum on each design principle…Nov 14, 20214Nov 14, 20214
InUX CollectivebyLodestar DesignThe “dark yellow problem” in design system color palettesWhen defining a proper color palette for the design system I was working on, I came across the “Dark Yellow Problem”, where designers try…May 28, 202231May 28, 202231
InUX CollectivebyJishnu HariSupercharge your design system with design tokensDesign tokens are the current buzzword of D-town, and most of you might be using them in some form. And if you do, this article will help…Apr 25, 20228Apr 25, 20228
InEightShapesbyNathan CurtisThe Figma Component ReviewTest assets using criteria organized in checklistsApr 25, 20223Apr 25, 20223
InRazorpay.DesignbySaurav RastogiOrganising Design SystemsGet to know how to organise design systems as a single source of truth in your organisation.Nov 29, 20215Nov 29, 20215
InUX CollectivebyBudi TanrimDesign system: LEGO kits syndromeBalancing consistency and contribution should be the primary concern of design systems.Feb 26, 20226Feb 26, 20226
InUX CollectivebyKarine SabatierHow to help bridge the gap between UX design and codeUX design is a social and collaborative activity. The better designers and developers understand each other, the better the product design…Feb 2, 20222Feb 2, 20222
InEightShapesbyNathan CurtisOn Classification in Design SystemsRecent Trends in Naming Things in Design LibrariesFeb 26, 20162Feb 26, 20162